Rome now, who knows where later...

At this point in time, I'm on a limited internet access plan. For those of us with IAD, or "Internet Addiction Disorder", it's really a painful thing.

In any case, with what little time I've got, I just thought I'd write a quick update to tell the world a few things. Item 1: Jason helped me hack my AZ computer, and so now I'm able to access it anywhere that I can run Java applets. (hot) Item 2: Since I've got this access, we can upload a bunch of the pictures that we've been taking, in order to clear space on the memory cards and make a bunch of new pictures.

With that, the current status of things is that we're in Rome. We saw Vienna, followed by a quick and somewhat unplanned stopover in Villach, followed by the Italian cities of Venice, Florence, and now Rome. Things have been going fairly smoothly for us thus far, knock on my wooden skull, and if they continue to go as such, we'll be in France seeing the Normandy beaches and whatever else there is to see in Paris in no time at all.

That's really all for now. I haven't been on IM, in case that went unnoticed, but I've had reasonably good access to the internet for email, so if I get a message or two that doesn't involve debt or penis size, I'd probably be pretty happy.

With that, I depart. We've apparently gotta get up pretty early to see the Colloseum tomorrow. Maybe if I've got enough time I'll post a pic or two, but don't hold your breath. Till then.
