Sometimes this country really makes me want to break stuff.

A quick word on the German telephone company Deutsch Telecom (DT for short): This company has, by far, singlehandedly pissed me off more than anything else during my entire time here. I have phone cards that have worked all over Europe, and yet as soon as I try to use them in a DT phone, I get, "You can't connect to this number from here." Couple that with the fact that the DT phone cards have the awesome rate of about 1eu per minute, ($1.24 right now), and that the biggest card usable in their phones is only 10eu (so 10 mins of conversation), and I'm sure some of my frustration is understandable.

The thing is, everytime I see one of those pink handsets, all I want to do is rip it out of the wall, and gestapo stomp it into the nether-regions of one or more of the DT high-level executives. Maybe, after having the broken shards of plastic surgically removed piece by pink piece, the person might understand a small part of the mental anguish that this company has inflicted on me. Moving on...

Last Friday, I went to Dresden for a day. We got up early even though we had only the day before returned from our crazy 26-day-long excursion. The train left at 8:36, and got us into Dresden at about 10:20. The goal: Find the international office, and get ourselves started with whatever we could before having to move everything to Dresden the following Monday. (tomorrow)

We found the office easy enough, and talked to the lady that we thought to be in charge of the details of our time in Dresden. We came to find out that she didn't really handle the things that we could accomplish that day, and that the most we could do would be to try and talk to the housing people about getting our rooms closer to being ready for us.

We walked to the housing building, and that's where the trouble began. In this building resides a secretary on a power trip. We tried to speak to her for a minute, but rather than hear our less-than-perfect German, she just tossed a card with times on it at us, as if it say, "This conversation... is over."

We didn't really know what was going on, but got the idea that the lady we were there to see was in the building, but that we couldn't talk to her, because she didn't have Friday "Speaking Hours." I was under the impression that the first lady from the International Office had already called down and got us cleared, so I went back to the secretary to try again. She gave me a look of death and said, "What was unclear about what I gave you." This is where I went off.

Let me say one thing about speaking a scary sounding language like German. When you go off on a person, get forcefull, and don't accept immediately what that person has to say, it's friggin scary. I tried to explain what was going on, and she just continued to be completely unsympathetic, unhelpful, and uncaring. At this point, thinking that we already had clearance to speak with the woman behind the doors, I said, "Give me your phone number." She started writing the other lady's number, and I was like, "No, YOUR phone number. I'll have somebody who can explain this to you call, as you obviously are too much of a preprogrammed east-german robot to listen to a word I have to say."

She backed off a little when she realized I was a persistant ass, and wasn't going to let my progress be stopped by a desk-jockey with an attitude. She then proceeded to call the lady we were there to see, to find out if we were really expected as we had said.

Well, it turns out that the international office lady hadn't called ahead, and had suspected that we might run into this problem, but failed to mention that fact to us. The lady in the housing department said, "No, it's Friday, piss off..." and that was that.

We went back to the international office, and the lady there was like, "Oh, yeah, I thought that might happen. You'll just have to come back and do it all on Monday." I was steaming, but didn't show it. The trip was nearly worthless, as we accomplished nothing, and I had to get up early. I say nearly, only because I learned one important thing... Even if I can't beat a person that pisses me off with the receiver of a DT payphone, at least I can produce a similar blugeoning effect by yelling in German. Peace out.
