SSH Ownz Telnet, FSL calls in sick...

I know, the heading doesn't make much sense. The thing is, if Telnet and SSH were to be in a celebrity deathmatch episode, SSH would probably plug telnet into one of these sketchy round European wall sockets and push it into a swimming pool. Just in case there was any confusion in the matter. Not only is SSH an encrypted connection to the servers at NAU, it's faster... Not sure why encrypting the data would make it faster without some sort of compression scheme, but it certainly works better. (Maybe it HAS a compression scheme, I dont' know the details, I just know it rules...) In any case, enough about nerdy stuff already.

So I went to see "Frau Scary Lady" today... (not to be confused with the "Scary Frau Sawada") FSL works for housing administration here in Zittau. See, I had to get keys for Sarah so that she has a room when she gets here on Sunday, and getting these keys involved talking to FSL not once, but twice... sigh.

In any case, she wasn't there, so I was saved the misery of a repeated confrontation. I have to say that it was both good and bad that she wasn't there. It was good because I didn't have to talk to her, AND because there was a nicer lady who spoke clearer German in her place. It was bad merely for the reason that I obviously haven't yet conquered my fear of this woman so as to write another happy song about how much I occasionally own Germany.

Either way, I now have keys in my posession, and only have the trains to and from K�ln to figure out. Not too bad for one day's work, after school nonetheless.

In other news, I've found a rekindled love in the self titled Alice in Chains CD. I'm working on setting up web braodcasting from my computer here, so as to gift the world with my current CD of choice at nearly all times. I'll be sure to post here when I've got it up and running so everyone can share in my sometimes deranged musical selections.

Until that day, I'll be working on finding other creative ways to break out from behind the "We're Zittau Network Admins, and We Have the Networking Skills of 3rd Graders" network scheme. I know I could be studying German, but what fun would it be if I actually understood what people were saying to me?
