"...and then he put his arm around my shoulder, and I was thinking, pull out the 'homosexual avoidance handbook', Chapter 1: 'Don't Look Gay'." -John

We had a big BBQ yesterday for Mark's birthday. (Mark is our friend from England.) It was a memorable experience, with such great highlights as John full-speed form tackling me when I wasn't looking, John making me laugh when trying to chug beer, and thereby forcing it out my nose, and John and I standing toe to toe punching each other in our respective shoulders until one of us, (John), nearly breaks his wrist. If we're not seeing a trend here, then I might be inclined to suggest getting an eye exam.

The thing is, it seems that whenever John and I are together and consuming beer, bad, although pretty entertaining, things happen. For example, last BBQ, I decided I was going to try and light John's arm on fire, and he, in return, wanted to "Punch me so hard in the chest that my heart stopped." Needless to say, he missed, and managed to punch me right in my new Wal-Mart watch. It shattered, and glass was driven into his knuckles. (see photo)

The worst part about that whole watch thing was that it wasn't even the first one of mine he'd managed to break. Brian brought one out to me when he met us in Venice on our European Vacation, and wouldn't you know that in one of my many other scuffles with John, we somehow managed to break the crystal out of that one as well.

In any case, nobody gets too badly hurt for the most part, and it IS reasonably entertaining for our spectators. I should also mention that it's not always just violent mischief that we cause. There was the fabled game of "Ultimate 500" in which we tried to throw the football to awaiting contestants on the field eight stories below. Everytime we missed, they had to send the ball back up to me on the elevator. In the end, though, things worked out and Tom even managed to catch it on the last attempt. (Mind you, it was the last due to darkness, not because he finally caught it.) You can click here to watch the last take from that game. (Note: You will need the DivX 3.11a codec to watch this movie.)

So the thing is, I don't even remember what the point of this update was. I really just wanted to use that quote of John's, since I found it pretty entertaining. After that, writing anything serious just sounded boring to me. I have a reasonable amount of news to share, is the thing, so keep checking back for updates over the next couple of days. In the meantime, I'm going to go do my laundry, and maybe even annoy my neighbors by playing some Tuba in the music room. Until next time.
