...but pessimism is entertaining...

Here's an update on those Scottish girls... They came over last night, and had baked me muffins in return for breaking my bed. They were good muffins. We're all going out tonight for St. Patrick's day... I just thought I'd share that. :]

So I realize that almost all of what I post on this site has a generally negative overtone related to my experience here. I want it to be known that the positive experiences far outweigh any negative effects that a person might read about... they're just not any fun to write down.

That said, do any of you have ANY idea how badly these professors here need to take a friggin course on HANDWRITING? I mean, it's seriously ridiculous. I had a hard enough time reading Frau Schulz for the first three months, then I get here and I'd be willing to swear that she's the patron saint of good handwriting.

Yesterday, in the first meeting of my Artificial Intelligence class, I made the mistake of sitting in the back. (The classroom was fairly full all the way to the front.) BAD MOVE. I have no less than 50 "?'s" (usually coupled with various explitives) throughout my notes, delimiting the fact that I had NO FRIGGIN IDEA what the professor had written on the board. It came to pass that I had to attend an extra session of that class that day, so the next time I sat dead center, first row. EVEN THEN, being able to hear him say the words as he wrote them, I STILL had probably 8 "?'s" (although no explitives this time). I mean, I could literally piss more intelligible patterns into a quickly flowing river.

Ok, rant = finished. In other news, I bought a plant yesterday. I've decided that my plant is female, that way I don't have to feel bad about undressing in front of "her". "Her" name is Grizzelda, in case you were wondering, but that has nothing to do with what kind of plant "she" is. I just figured that was a good name for a plant if ever I've heard one. I mean, how often do you hear about a plant named "Gladyce" being used for anything besides salad? Grizzelda could easily be the name of some government engineering project gone wrong. She could have poison gas leaves, and the capability of shooting "plant mind bullets" at yacks 300 yards away. On second thought, maybe I should start changing in the bathroom.
