And this Friday is "Hawaiian Shirt Day..."

So I wake up this morning, and really need to use the restroom. This would've been no problem back in Zittau, but being as I'm in a new place now, things aren't quite like they were. Let me explain.

My room is one of five, in a single hallway, in the mazelike building known as "Gutzkowstraße 29/33". These five rooms all share a single kitchen and bathroom. Furthermore, these doors work in what I have decided is the standard German way. By this, I mean that they have no handle, and the way to open them requires that you use your key to turn the mechanism. All that said, one might be able to see the problem potentially arising from locking your keys in your room.

Back to the first part... I wake up this morning, stumble out of bed in my underwear, open the door, and head right for the bathroom. Funny thing, though, undergarments in which a person sleeps don't generally have pockets for keychains. Even funnier, since my window was open, I created a wind tunnel between my room and the kitchen across the hall. The most funny part is where the door slams shut and leaves me there, in the hallway, in my underwear, without a key, wondering just how I'll manage to get back into the room. Yeah, that was how my day started today... Ah well, it happens I suppose.

Now I'd bet that you're wondering if the two attractive, young Scottish girls I had with me in my room yesterday might've had anything to do with my waking state of complete confusion. The only answer I can really give you is that we all three managed to break my bed, and had to put a support under it before continuing. I'll leave the rest for you all to imagine, as I know some people who hear about these stories wouldn't believe the truth anyway.

In any case, don't forget to enjoy your Hawaiian shirt Friday and its corresponding weekend. Until next time...
