Taste the golden salad.

I really hate McDonald's. I mean, seriously... I could eat, say, 5 hamburgers for example, process these hamburgers, and then redistribute them on new buns, and the odds are that they'd have a distinctly better taste and higher nutritional content than they had the first time around. The thing being, I'd rather cook bacon naked than eat there. NAKED. I'm talking splattering grease, no apron, the works.

Ok, I feel better now. I had to eat it for lunch, and I'm really just grumbling because I'm in Italy, and you'd think with Italian and Spanish being fairly close, that they'd at least have a Jack in the Box.

I miss Jack in the Box, especially the tacos. People here don't even know the meaning of the word taco. Imagine this... Somebody comes up to you outside of the colloseum, and they're like, "Do you speak English?" and so I'm like, "Yeah." Then they proceed to go off about guided tours that cost more than twice the admission. This is when you break into "Taco".

Taco is just a language consisting of nothing but random mubling of various combinations of the letters in the word taco. For example, a conversation might go like this:

"Would you like to participate in a guided tour of the colloseum?"
"Excuse me?"
"Ta, co ta toac."
"Do you speak English??"
"Taco taco?"
"Um, yeah."

This is exactly what Deathy and I have started doing to these people. The look of confusion on their faces is just priceless. Couple that with handing bums 9V batteries, and, well, you get the idea.
