Probably what you're really here for...

Prague, Czech Republic   These are the long-lost pictures from when Andrew and Romy came to visit me in December. The gallery is laid out in such a way that you can follow a progression from our hostel, through the subway, walking toward the famous "Old Town Square", walking to the famous "Charle's Bridge", and then hitting up both McDonald's and an Irish Pub consecutively. Finally, the set ends with our last moments back in the hostel before sleep. Note that not all of these pictures were taken on the same day, but the idea is to emulate what the Prague experience was for us.

Vienna, Austria   These pictures are the first of the long set that I will be posting relating to our European vacation. (for lack of a better phrase) The pictures are named in such a way that I shouldn't have to explain what they are. Keep checking back for more cities.

Volvo Pwnage   These pictures were taken on the trip through Europe. For further explanation, please refer to the update from the 27th of February entitled "Back in Zittau".

Thanksgiving   Here are the long-awaited pictures of our Thanksgiving festivities. The pictures are, to the best of my ability, in order of the day's events. We woke up around 10am, finished the defrosting of the birds, got them all ready for the oven sometime around noon, and then started everything else. That is where these pictures commence.

Munich   These are the pictures of Munich. I'm not going into detail, yet, as I'm spending more time trying to make the website more user friendly. Maybe sometime toward the end of the weekend, I'll have some time for further explanation, but by then, everyone will have seen these pictures, and will most likely no longer care.

Wroclaw Poland   We were unable to find a place to stay in Wroclaw due to some sort of festival that was apparently running. We spent the day seeing some of the sites of the city, and then pulled an all-nighter downtown taking drinks at the various bars in the city square. This being my first use of the picture software, some of the pictures are out of order, so please bear with my inexperience.
